10-11-2024, Santiago, Chile
Puri Global celebró la inauguración de su Proyecto Piloto de Aguas Grises en Alto La Chimba
El 10 de noviembre, Puri Global celebró la inauguración de su Proyecto Piloto de Aguas Grises en Alto La Chimba 3. Con la llegada de los primeros vecinos y la presencia del Gobernador de Antofagasta Ricardo Díaz Cortés, la Seremi Paula Monsalves, el Director de Serviu Víctor Gálvez, Ramiro Abarca de Puri Global presentó la tecnología que se emplaza en el lugar, para la reutilización de Aguas Grises para Riego. Posteriormente, el artista Miguel Vega Olivares presentó su instalación artística “Asfalto Florido”, regalando cientos de flores a los nuevos vecinos, un acto simbólico para visibilizar el potencial de las aguas grises en la actualidad.

06-11-2024 / Antofagasta, Chile
Puri Global participated in the MINVU Antofagasta conference on sustainable construction.
Puri Global participated in the MINVU Antofagasta conference on sustainable construction.
We are grateful for the invitation made by the Seremi MINVU of Antofagasta @Paula Monsalve to our architect in Antofagasta, Ramiro Abarca from Puri Global, to be part of the exhibitors at the Sixth Conference on Sustainable Construction Dissemination at Serviu Antofagasta.
Ramiro Abarca presented our technical experience and advances that PURI GLOBAL has developed during these three years of work in Antofagasta, thanks to the Grey Water Pilot in the DS 19 project in La Chimba, Antofagasta.

13-10-2023 / Munich, Germany
Human Rights x Architecture
AJA 2023, TUM Munich Germany
Eyal Weizman (Israel 1970) from 'Forensic Architecture' London and Jorge Lobos (Chile 1961) from 'Architecture and Human Rights' Copenhagen, have been nominated by the students of the Munich Technological University TUM, to open the 2023-2024 academic year in the AJA-2023 event.

23-09-2023 / Antofagasta, Chile
Capturing the initial footage of a documentary about Puri Global’s pilot projects by Glaciar Films.
During September, Jorge Lobos, an architect and founding partner of Puri Global in Denmark, visited Chile to observe on-site the progress of Puri Global's pilot projects with recycled water in Antofagasta. Lobos was working together with Puri Global’s team in Antofagasta advancing in the La Chimba and Capullito Kindergarten. Lobos estuvo trabajando en los avances de los proyectos de La Chimba y Jardín Infantil Capullito junto al equipo Puri Global que trabaja en Chile.
During this trip, the film production company Glaciar Films, led by the award-winning director and producer Diego Breit, joined the project and initiated filming for a documentary on Puri Global's work in northern Chile. The documentary aims to highlight the significance of generating sustainable architecture projects in extreme areas.

05-07-2023 / Copenhagen, Denmark
International Union of Architects Congress, UIA 2023
Chilean-Danish Architectural Collaboration:
PURI Global Presents Water Recycling Projects in Antofagasta at the International Union of Architects UIA 2023 Congress.
The event was held in the city of Copenhagen, Denmark, the European capital leading sustainable development processes in architecture and construction.
Architects Nina Jensen and Jorge Lobos, partners at PURI GLOBAL, were part of the International Union of Architects 2023 (UIA) Congress, where they participated as speakers, showcasing the work they are doing in Antofagasta with greywater recycling pilot projects.

20-03-2023 / Copenhagen, Denmark
Puri Global at UIA World Congress of Architects 2023
Puri Global is part of the program at the UIA Congress, the world's largest architecture event, in the session "17 GOALS - 17 ARCHITECTS". We share our projects that contribute to the human and environmental sustainability of goal 6 'clean water and sanitation' with the recycling of wastewater that contribute to the resilience of communities living in the most arid place on the planet, the Atacama Desert. The UIA Congress is held every three years in different countries, this time 2023 will take place in the Danish capital. El Congreso UIA se lleva a cabo cada tres años en diferentes países, este año, tendrá lugar en Copenhagen, capital danesa.

01-11-2022 / Antofagasta, Chile
Co-creation workshops at the Kindergarten Capullito
Between September and November we worked in the Atacama Desert with the kindergarten community of one of the thousands of kindergartens of JUNJI (national board of kindergartens, Chile). Educators, artists, children, and parents have participated in the activities that aim to communicate, motivate and prepare the community of the kindergarten Capullito for the radical change of its facilities through sustainability. To this end, we have already built a library of plants and seeds, more trees, green plants and flowers, which attract bees and insects, and we have been on several field trips to experience how it feels to play and explore in an oasis, as well as to enhance the children's learning through contact with nature.

21-09-2023 / Sierra Gorda, Chile
Puri-Sierra Gorda Workshop
Puri Global and BHP held the workshop 'Puri Sierra Gorda: An Oasis in the Atacama Desert' with the participation of international consultants and Sierra Gorda Municipality. Professionals from various disciplines and areas of the world met in the field to discuss the possibilities of carrying out this sustainable urban planning project for Sierra Gorda, a mining town of 1,500 inhabitants who live in extreme climate conditions. Profesionales de diversas disciplinas y áreas del mundo se reunieron para ver en terreno las posibilidades de llevar adelante este proyecto de urbanismo sostenible, para esta ciudad minera de 1.500 habitantes que viven en condiciones y clima extremos.
The project consists of recycling all of the town's wastewater and organic waste to create a 2-hectare green ring around the town. The realisation of this project will improve the quality of life and health of the population, as well as a radical change of paradigm for a future that is more conscious of a new balance between society and nature.

22-09-2022 / Antofagasta, Chile
Field visit to La Chimba Pilot Project with Ministry of Housing (MINVU) and SERVIU MINVU y SERVIU
Professionals from PURI’s team from Denmark, Sweden and Chile, collaborated with the Regional Government and the construction company Echeverría Izquierdo, on this unique resilience-focused project. Today, the construction, including the installation of greywater, is 25-30% complete.
As well as the management of a public park in continuation of the building blocks is in the process of project management at MINVU Antofagasta. Soon the development of the landscape design begins, which will be done in 2023 in coordination with the Sabbagh Arquitectos office in charge of the La Chimba Housing project.
31-08-2022 / Stockholm, Sweden
Puri Global Workshop in IVL SWEDEN
PURI GLOBAL and IVL extend their collaboration to explore possibilities of future research projects. Together with Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL) we held a workshop to explore how to improve water management in extreme climates through science. We mixed regenerative design, social science, urban planning, technology, art and science.
IVL has extensive international experience with research projects around the world, including in El Salvador and Peru among other Latin American countries, which can be inspirational for future sustainable urbanism projects and initiatives.
02-07-2022 / Copenhagen, Denmark
Lecture at the University of Copenhagen for the Universidad República del Uruguay
Architecture & Human Rights ARCH+H.R. and Puri Global hosted 60 architects and architecture students from the University of the Republic, Uruguay at the University of Copenhagen. Founder of ARCH+H.R. and director of PURI GLOBAL Jorge Lobos, gave a lecture in the former Hospital Chapel, now converted into a meeting room for researchers at the COPE Copenhagen Centre for Humanitarian Disaster Research and part of the Department of Public Health at the University of Copenhagen https://cope.ku.dk/. We are grateful for our partnership with COPE and our common interest in Emergencies and Human Rights.

02-07-2022 / Copenhagen, Denmark
Workshop PURI - SIERRA GORDA 'An oasis in the Atacama Desert'
Puri Global invited scientists from Denmark and Sweden to participate in the workshop 'PURI SIERRA GORDA'. Exploring through science, discovering new points of view, connecting knowledge from different parts of the world and from different disciplines, is one of the founding goals of PURI GLOBAL. In this case for our project in the mining town of Sierra Gorda: a green ring around the town irrigated with the recycled water of 1,500 inhabitants and 250 houses. The workshop was attended by professional experts from KADK - Royal Danish Academy of Architecture, DTU - Technical University of Denmark, IVL - Swedish Environmental Research Institute, KU - University of Copenhagen and Red Cross Denmark.

13-01-2022 / Santiago, Chile
Launch of PURI in Santiago
Puri Global together with BHP have launched the PURI project, which will implement a wastewater division system that aims to recycle up to 100% of greywater to be used to irrigate urban green spaces in Antofagasta.
Este lanzamiento fue en el contexto del seminario “Economía Circular del Agua” promovido por PURI GLOBAL y tuvo lugar en las embajadas de Dinamarca y Suecia. El seminario, iniciativa colaborativa entre profesionales de Dinamarca, Suecia y Chile, explicaron que buscan aumentar las zonas verdes urbanas y la salud de la población mediante el reciclaje de aguas grises. Esta iniciativa crea dos proyectos pilotos en la ciudad de Antofagasta, ubicada en el desierto más árido del mundo y donde el agua además de ser escasa tiene uno de los costos más altos de Latinoamérica.
9-01-2022 / Antofagasta, Chile
Launch of PURI in Antofagasta
Puri Global launched its pilot water recycling projects in Antofagasta: Capullito Kindergarten and La Chimba Social Housing block.
En conjunto con la comunidad local, las organizaciones públicas patrocinantes, JUNJI y MINVU, y representantes de la empresa patrocinante BHP, informamos a la comunidad que iniciamos el proyecto de futuro para crear áreas verdes con agua gris reciclada. En la ocasión, las autoridades explicaron a los asistentes la importancia del desarrollo de estos planes que abren un camino hacia la sustentabilidad y el cuidado al planeta. Dentro de los asistentes estuvieron: Jens Godtfredsen, Embajador de Dinamarca, Adriana Gaete Vicepresidenta de JUNJI, María de la Luz Morales, Directora Nacional de Infraestructura JUNJI, Lidia Julio, Directora Regional JUNJI, Daniel Errázuriz Director de Parques Urbanos MINVU, Julio Santander Seremi MINVU, la comunidad de Padres y Apoderados del Jardín Infantil.
07-10-2021 / Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference at CAFx 2021 - Copenhagen Architecture Festival 2021
Space10 talks: invited PURI Global and Extreme environments to the dialogue How can architecture and design work with uncertainty?.
Los arquitectos Jorge Lobos y Nina Louise Jensen de Puri Global presentaron su concepto ‘Global Bridges’ en diálogo con el arquitecto David Garcia quien presentó ‘Architecture for Extreme Environments’. Lobos y Jensen resaltaron la importancia del uso de metodologías para la investigación y la práctica, así como también destacaron el uso de la ciencia como alternativa para el futuro en la arquitectura. PURI GLOBAL, contó su experiencia al unir ingeniería de innovación verde y comunidades locales de ambientes extremos en el desierto de Atacama. En este caso, la arquitectura, es usada como puente para transferir tecnología sostenible a comunidades de cualquier parte del mundo.
09-10-2020, Santiago, Chile
Puri Global winner of the SÚMATE BHP Call for Proposals
PURI GLOBAL was one of the three winners of the international call, SUMATE BHP. After a 6-month selection process among 200 international projects from Chile and 13 other countries, BHP presented the 3 winners of the open call Súmate BHP in conjunction with Fundación Chile.
The call focused on supporting collaborative and innovative solutions that contribute to the adaptation and resilience of the communities of Tarapacá and Antofagasta to climate change.
Puri Global was selected as the winner for being an interdisciplinary team from Denmark, Sweden, Israel and Chile, with extensive experience, professional diversity and capacity to apply scientific innovation to solve specific problems in vulnerable communities around the world. noticia Diario de Valdivia